Sell or let your property
with confidence

Sell your property

Sell your property with confidence and at a price you’re happy with. We pride ourselves on our integrity & transparency throughout the process.


Auction can be a great way to sell your property for free with US!

Bespoke Sale

Sell your property swiftly with MDS. No hassle, no fees.

Let your property

Let your property quickly and easily. Capitalise on the expertise of MDS Property to ensure your property finds an excellent tenant.

Standard Lettings

Full management, rent collection or tenant find only

Guaranteed Rent Scheme

No voids, no extra fees, no bills!

Property Investments

MDS Property specialise in sourcing deals that provide both small and large investors with access to investment opportunities.

Deal Sourcing & Packaging

Bespoke Service

Capital Investment

Join our growing family of customers, landlords & investors today.
You’ll never look back